November 10th 2012 just happens to be a national toy store day. And Downtown Coeur d' Alene's popular Figpickles Toy Emporium is using that day as an excuse to hold a store anniversary event. While not in it's present location Figpickles has been a Downtown store for 7 years and built a good name for itself. The store features toys from the nostalgic to the high end electronic toys and everything in between is a favorite for the cities summer tourists and even some locals.
Figpickles 7th Annversary Party will be held at the store on Saturday Nov 10th from 11 a.m. till 3 p.m. ,the event will feature...
Cake and Ice Cream
Toy and game demos
Door prizes
Free cotton candy
A chance to meet with Coeur d' Alene mascot Mudgy Moose
Plus much more is planned for the day. Figpickles will also make a donation of 1 toy for every 1 purchased during the event. The donated toys will go to the local Toys for Tots program.
Figpickles Toy Emporium is located in the Resort Plaza Shops shopping center in the 200 block of E. Sherman Ave, Downtown Coeur d' Alene. The owners of the store also own and operate 2 other business , Papillion Paper Emporium and Mrs. Honey Peeps Sweet Shop both of which are also in the Resort Plaza Shops.
For more info on their store and this event visit-
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