
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Trinity at Tullamore under construction

Trinity Group Homes is a Coeur d' Alene based company that provides housing to those with mental illnesses . Trinity operates 2 homes that combined house 18 residents, and they are expanding to fill the growing local need by breaking ground in late November on their latest project, Trinity at Tullamore.

Trinity at Tullamore is the companies first home outside of Coeur d' Alene as Trinity at Tullamore is located in the Tullamore mixed-use development in Post Falls. The group home will be located in the southern half of the development which is nearby the Hwy 41 & Poleline Rd. intersection.

Trinity at Tullamore will be a duplex style building with 8 seperate rooms for their residents. The project is being paid for primary by a USDA loan and a grant from the Inland Northwest Community Foundation. There is no set opening date as of yet,nor has construction began, however it is on the horizon.

    When this was originally posted it contained incorrect information stating the construction had already started. A reader was fast to point out the construction has not yet started and permits have not been issued. My apologies for the error and if anyone happens to spot any other issues with anything on this site please don't hesitate to contact me.