
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Geeksnglory gaming bar now open in Spokane Valley

Are you a gamer? Then you'll want to check out a new business in Spokane Valley. The new business is a gaming bar called Geeksnglory which is now open next door to Taco Time at 6710 E. Sprague Ave.

Geeksnglory has a full bar for most any drink and some snacks. But the highlight of the place is the gaming. Throughout the entire building are both new and retro gaming consoles set up to allow guests to play video games and there are a lot of games available with a library of games.

They also have even more in store in the future for Geeksnglory with regular game tournaments planned . There will even be league play, cosplay contests, streamed game tournaments, video game giveaways and more coming.  Geeksnglory is open seven days a week from 4pm - 2am and there is no admission charge.

For more information on Geeksnglory check them out on Facebook-